الإثنين, مايو 6, 2024

مخطط بونزي

بواسطة هيديو ناكامورا
Ponzi Scheme

مخطط بونزي

A Ponzi scheme is an investment scam in which money from new investors is used to pay earlier investors, giving the impression that profits are being made. It typically involves the promise of high returns with little or no risk and often uses a pyramid structure. The name comes from Charles Ponzi, who ran such a fraud in Boston in 1920.

Ponzi schemes can take many forms but usually involve promises of high rates of return with little or no underlying reality to justify them. They also often involve complex structures that rely on recruiting new participants to keep the scheme going and generate more funds for those at the top of the pyramid. This recruitment process can create a chain reaction effect as each participant recruits others into the scheme, creating hype around it and driving up demand for its potential rewards while masking any issues with its true nature. These schemes can quickly become unsustainable as they require an ever-increasing number of participants to remain viable, eventually collapsing when there are insufficient new members joining to cover payments owed to existing ones.

Cryptocurrency has been increasingly used by scammers looking to lure people into investing money into fraudulent Ponzi schemes due its relative anonymity and ease of transfer between individuals worldwide without having traditional banking intermediaries involved – allowing for transactions beyond government regulation and oversight, thus making it difficult for authorities or regulatory bodies to track down perpetrators who may be located in different jurisdictions across borders. Furthermore, cryptocurrency assets have their own inherent volatility so their value could fall drastically if poorly managed over time leading unsuspecting victims not only lose their original investments but even additional losses due leverage effects further compounding losses incurred over time through decreased purchasing power resulting from market volatility movements against them .

It’s important that you always do your research before investing in anything crypto related – especially when dealing with potentially shady individuals offering “guaranteed” returns on investments using digital assets like cryptocurrencies (which should generally be considered as highly speculative) since this type activity could easily lead one victimised by a fraudulent Ponzi scheme perpetrated by unscrupulous operators seeking short term gains at investor’s expense .

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