Saturday, April 27, 2024

Eurasian states

by Hideo Nakamura
Eurasian states

Eurasian States and Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that use cryptography to secure their transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify transfers. As a result, they have become increasingly popular as an investment option due to their high levels of security and decentralization. In recent years, several Eurasian states have begun exploring cryptocurrency technology in order to further develop their economies. This article will discuss some of these efforts by providing a brief overview of each state’s approach to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

Armenia: The government has been actively investing in developing an infrastructure for advanced technologies such as blockchain since 2017 with initiatives such as the “Digital Armenia” program which aims at turning this country into one of Europe’s leading IT hubs by 2020. Additionally, it has recently announced plans for launching its own national cryptocurrency – “Aramcoin” – which is expected to be launched sometime later this year or early next year (2021).

Azerbaijan: In 2019 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed two orders aimed at regulating activities related to virtual currencies like Bitcoin within the country while simultaneously prohibiting them from being used outside Azerbaijan borders without prior authorization from authorized financial institutions inside the country itself; thus making it clear that any type of illegal activity involving crypto-assets would not be tolerated there. Furthermore, back in 2018 local authorities set up a special working group tasked with studying potential applications for Blockchain Technology throughout various sectors in Azerbaijan including healthcare services & energy resources management systems among others so far no definitive results on actual implementation yet but things appear promising nonetheless!

Belarus : Belarus was actually one of first countries worldwide introducing legal framework regarding cryptocurrencies where according Law #7 passed back December 21st 2016 – all operations related cryptos were officially recognized legal entities businesses could now operate freely exchange tokens foreign investors also allowed enter market having same rights domestic ones provided comply existing regulations given time more detailed legislative documents adopted implement those laws full force still works progress here though steady growth seen past few months despite unfavorable global situation caused pandemic effects..

Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan has taken steps towards embracing virtual currency law known “On Digital Financial Assets” came effect July 1st 2018 main provisions put place establish taxation rules protect users’ rights provide regulatory clarity business operating environment along other measures ensure safety overall economy On March 23rd 2021 National Bank Kazakhstan released new statement clarifying stance towards usage mining trading buying selling cryptos stating clearly that only individuals registered Republic can participate activities mentioned above further outlining details when comes registration procedures applicable fees associated process finally warning citizens about possible risks involved investments made through platforms non-regulated nature .

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