Thursday, May 2, 2024

The esteemed author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has divulged an investment strategy aimed at enabling investors to endure what he anticipates will be the most catastrophic financial collapse in global history. Contrary to the traditionally recommended 60/40 allocation between stocks and bonds advocated by financial experts, Kiyosaki warns that individuals adhering to this approach stand to be among the most significantly impacted.

Kiyosaki’s Investment Recommendations

Robert Kiyosaki, who co-authored the 1997 bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad with Sharon Lechter, has been featured on the New York Times Best Seller List for an extended period spanning over six years. The book has achieved international acclaim, with more than 32 million copies sold in 51 languages and across 109 countries.

In a recent statement disseminated via a social media platform, Kiyosaki derided the long-standing 60/40 investment tenet, wherein 60% is allocated to stocks and 40% to bonds. “Investors adhering to the 60/40 model will be the most adversely affected in 2024,” he declared. His alternative advice recommends:

Investors should contemplate reallocating their portfolios to comprise 75% in gold, silver, and bitcoin, and the remaining 25% in real estate and oil stocks. This diversified approach may offer a safeguard against the impending catastrophic financial downturn.

Kiyosaki has long been an advocate for gold, silver, and bitcoin but has only recently revealed explicit allocation guidance to his following of 2.4 million on the platform. He previously delineated his unique investment approach, asserting that it diverges considerably from that of Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

The author has made numerous price predictions concerning bitcoin, gold, and silver. For example, he recently estimated that bitcoin could ascend to $135,000, while gold is poised for an imminent uptick. In the context of a global economic meltdown, he projected astronomical valuations of $1 million for bitcoin, $75,000 for gold, and $60,000 for silver. Earlier in February, he envisaged that by 2025, bitcoin could touch $500,000, gold could appreciate to $5,000, and silver might escalate to $500.

Previously more focused on real estate investments, Kiyosaki elaborated last October in his 2022 book, Capitalist Manifesto, that Marxist ideologies had gained traction in the United States post the 2020 elections. He warned of impending policies like property tax hikes and rent controls, which could depress property valuations. His advice at that time also included investments in gold, silver, and bitcoin.

In the preceding month, Kiyosaki urged investors to immediately acquire bitcoin, in anticipation of a forthcoming surge driven by the collapse of stock, bond, and real estate markets. He articulated his conviction in the future of cryptocurrency, labeling fiat currency as “illusory” while designating gold and silver as “divine currency” and bitcoin as the “currency of the people.” Alongside multiple alarms regarding the collapse of real estate, stocks, and bonds, he also warned that Federal Reserve policy shifts, including interest rate hikes, could precipitate a decline in the U.S. dollar.

What are your thoughts on the investment strategy proposed by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad? We welcome your insights in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Robert Kiyosaki Investment Strategy

What is the core message of Robert Kiyosaki’s recent investment recommendation?

The central message of Robert Kiyosaki’s recent investment recommendation is to prepare for what he foresees as an unprecedented global financial crash. He suggests reallocating investments away from the traditional 60/40 portfolio of stocks and bonds to a mix of 75% in gold, silver, and bitcoin, and 25% in real estate and oil stocks.

Who is Robert Kiyosaki?

Robert Kiyosaki is the esteemed author of the bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad, co-authored with Sharon Lechter in 1997. The book has been featured on the New York Times Best Seller List for over six years and has been translated into 51 languages, with more than 32 million copies sold across 109 countries.

What is the traditional 60/40 investment model that Kiyosaki criticizes?

The traditional 60/40 investment model is an asset allocation strategy that suggests investing 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. Robert Kiyosaki warns that investors who adhere to this model are likely to be among the most adversely affected in the upcoming financial crisis he predicts for 2024.

What are the specific assets that Kiyosaki recommends?

Kiyosaki advocates for a portfolio reallocation consisting of 75% in gold, silver, and bitcoin, and the remaining 25% in real estate and oil stocks.

What are Kiyosaki’s recent price predictions for bitcoin, gold, and silver?

Robert Kiyosaki has made several price predictions for these assets. He recently estimated that bitcoin could reach $135,000, while gold is poised for an imminent rise. In a broader economic crisis context, he projects bitcoin could reach $1 million, gold could climb to $75,000, and silver might escalate to $60,000.

How does Kiyosaki’s investment strategy differ from that of Warren Buffett?

Kiyosaki has asserted that his investment approach diverges significantly from that of Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. While he did not provide specific details, it’s evident that Kiyosaki is much more bullish on commodities like gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies, which are asset classes Warren Buffett has traditionally been cautious about.

Has Robert Kiyosaki changed his investment focus over time?

Yes, while Kiyosaki was previously more focused on real estate investments, his recent recommendations suggest a strong belief in the potential of gold, silver, and cryptocurrencies, especially in the context of an impending financial crisis.

What does Robert Kiyosaki think about the future of fiat currency?

Robert Kiyosaki has expressed his belief that fiat currency is “illusory.” In his view, gold and silver represent “divine currency,” while bitcoin is the “currency of the people.”

What policies does Kiyosaki warn could impact the real estate market?

In his 2022 book, Capitalist Manifesto, Kiyosaki warned that Marxist ideologies gaining traction in the U.S. could lead to policies like property tax increases and rent controls, which would adversely affect property values.

What are the anticipated consequences of Federal Reserve policy shifts according to Kiyosaki?

Robert Kiyosaki has cautioned that shifts in Federal Reserve policies, including potential interest rate hikes, could lead to a decline in the U.S. dollar, adding another layer of risk to the financial landscape.

More about Robert Kiyosaki Investment Strategy

  • Robert Kiyosaki’s Official Website
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad on Amazon
  • New York Times Best Seller List
  • Recent Social Media Post by Robert Kiyosaki
  • Warren Buffett’s Investment Philosophy
  • Federal Reserve Policy Updates
  • 2022 Book Capitalist Manifesto
  • Historical Price of Bitcoin
  • Historical Price of Gold
  • Historical Price of Silver


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SarahM October 31, 2023 - 3:01 pm

Always took Kiyosaki as more of a real estate guy. Interesting to see his shift towards commodities and crypto.

Leo_R October 31, 2023 - 3:41 pm

Read his book in college, kind of changed my perspective on money. But these are some really bold moves hes recommending. Should we all be that concerned?

Sandra T October 31, 2023 - 4:02 pm

Kiyosaki’s always been one to push the envelope. Dont always agree with him but he does give food for thought. Especially about the fiat being “illusory,” kinda scary to think about.

JennyQ October 31, 2023 - 9:16 pm

I remember reading Rich Dad Poor Dad back in the day. Always wondered what his investment strategy looked like in real life. Pretty fascinating.

Mike J. October 31, 2023 - 11:45 pm

Wow, Kiyosaki is really bearish on the traditional 60/40 portfolio, huh? I mean, switching to 75% in gold, silver and bitcoin is radical, but he makes a point. Maybe time to rethink strategies before 2024?

DennisP November 1, 2023 - 12:13 am

Does anyone else think these price predictions are a bit too optimistic? I mean $1 million for bitcoin sounds great but is it really feasible.

TimK November 1, 2023 - 7:58 am

What’s the deal with the 2024 prediction? Why is that year supposed to be so disastrous for the 60/40 crowd?

Greg_L November 1, 2023 - 9:09 am

Wow, Marxists affecting property value in the US? That’s a bold statement. Not sure how much I buy into that.


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