Defense Distributed has recently introduced “Gatgpt,” an experimental AI-based agent that operates as a generative chatbot. This initiative is being heralded as “The Digital Second Amendment,” aligning with Cody Wilson’s commitment to championing privacy rights and the right to bear arms. Wilson, known for his role in creating the Dark Wallet bitcoin wallet and inventing the first functional 3D-printed firearm, the Liberator, has now ventured into the realm of artificial intelligence.
“Gatgpt” is built upon a foundation of open-source and proprietary firearms data, texts, and datasets. According to the “Digital Second Amendment” document on their website, Defense Distributed aims to counter what they perceive as a uniform trend in AI journalism—supporting narratives that advocate for pre-emptive regulation or casting doubt on the public’s ability to safeguard their own digital interests. They argue that contemporary American journalism has become an extension of the government’s agenda, and Gatgpt is designed to challenge these propagandized narratives.
Defense Distributed’s declaration introduces the concept of a “Digital Second Amendment,” asserting that Americans should have access to computational resources, databases, and AI models as tools for self-defense, not only against corporate and government overreach but also to protect their civic identity and humanity.
At present, Gatgpt is in a private beta phase, with invitations extended to selected users for testing and feedback purposes. This collaborative effort with beta testers and partners aims to create an unbiased public resource for firearms information on the internet. Users are required to pay a $5 upfront fee for access, with plans for a future monthly subscription service.
The creators of Gatgpt emphasize that it was developed by expert engineers, scholars, and activists, and trained on datasets that have faced challenges from both private and government entities. The core argument presented by Defense Distributed’s Digital Second Amendment is that AI regulation encroaches upon the rights of American citizens, framing those advocating for such regulation as adversaries of the Constitution.
In conclusion, Defense Distributed’s Gatgpt platform represents a significant foray into the intersection of AI, firearms information, and digital rights. It invites discussion and debate about the role of AI in journalism and its implications for individual freedoms. The $5 access fee and the potential introduction of a subscription service will be points of interest as the platform evolves. What are your thoughts on Gatgpt and its implications? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments section.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about AI Journalism
What is “Gatgpt” and who is behind it?
“Gatgpt” is an experimental AI-based agent developed by Defense Distributed, an organization founded by Cody Wilson. Cody Wilson is known for his involvement in privacy rights advocacy and as the co-creator of the now-defunct bitcoin wallet, Dark Wallet, and the inventor of the first functional 3D-printed firearm, the Liberator.
What is the purpose of “The Digital Second Amendment”?
“The Digital Second Amendment” is a term coined by Defense Distributed to emphasize the importance of providing Americans with access to computational resources, databases, and AI models as tools to protect their digital rights, civic identity, and humanity.
How does Gatgpt operate?
Gatgpt is trained on a combination of open-source and proprietary firearms data, texts, and datasets. It functions as a generative chatbot designed to enhance open-source gun datasets and challenge what Defense Distributed perceives as propagandized narratives in AI journalism.
Is Gatgpt available to the public?
Currently, Gatgpt is in a private beta phase, and invitations are extended to selected users for testing and feedback purposes. Users are required to pay a $5 upfront fee for access, with plans for a future monthly subscription service.
What is the stance of Defense Distributed on AI regulation?
Defense Distributed’s stance is that AI regulation infringes upon the rights of American citizens. They assert that those advocating for AI regulation are adversaries of the Constitution and must be opposed.
What is the goal of Gatgpt and Defense Distributed?
The goal of Gatgpt and Defense Distributed is to create an unbiased public resource for firearms information on the internet. They aim to combat narratives in AI journalism that they believe undermine digital rights and privacy.
What impact does Gatgpt have on the intersection of AI and firearms information?
Gatgpt represents a significant exploration of the intersection between AI, firearms information, and digital rights. It raises important questions about the role of AI in journalism and its implications for individual freedoms.
More about AI Journalism
- Defense Distributed
- Cody Wilson
- Dark Wallet
- Liberator (3D-printed gun)
- The Digital Second Amendment
- Gatgpt Beta Access
- AI Regulation and Digital Rights
- Privacy Rights
- AI Journalism