Samstag, Mai 4, 2024

Kryptowährung von Elizabeth McCaul

von Hideo Nakamura
Elizabeth McCaul cryptocurrency

Elizabeth McCaul is an American entrepreneur, investor and cryptocurrency leader. She has been active in the blockchain space since 2013 and has held senior positions at multiple companies, including CME Group Inc., Blockchain Capital LLC, and Social Alpha Foundation.

McCaul was a founding member of Bitcoin Center NYC – the first physical bitcoin exchange in America – where she served as Director from 2014 to 2016. In this role, McCaul provided guidance on regulatory matters related to digital currencies for both consumers and businesses across the United States.

In 2018 Elizabeth became the Global Head of Regulatory Affairs at Circle Internet Financial Ltd., working with governments around the world to shape regulation that promotes innovation while protecting consumer interests. Currently, McCaul serves as CEO & Co-Founder of Orchid Protocol LLC which designs decentralized solutions for privacy protection online by enabling users to pay securely using crypto tokens such as OXT or ETH (Ethereum).

Additionally McCaul serves on several boards within her industry: The Digital Chamber Of Commerce; CoinDesk Advisory Board; National Security Commission On Artificial Intelligence; Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s LabCFTC Initiative; World Economic Forum’s Crypto Valley Association Working Group Member ; OpenMined Data Ethics Committee President .

Through her work in these various roles over time Elizabeth has become a thought leader in cryptocurrency regulations globally – contributing regularly through speaking engagements , interviews with media outlets like Bloomberg News , Fortune Magazine ; appearing before Congress committees representing US government agencies such as CFTC (Commodities Future Trading Commission), SEC (Securities Exchange commission) . As well writing articles published via popular publications like Forbes Magazine .

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