Monday, May 6, 2024

Shelley Phase

by Hideo Nakamura
Shelley Phase

Shelley Phase is a vital stage of the Cardano blockchain development process. It marks the transition from a federated to a decentralized system and ensures that every stakeholder can actively participate in the network’s operations. The Shelley phase was launched on July 29, 2020 and is expected to significantly improve scalability and sustainability for Cardano users.

The Shelley phase follows two previous phases in Cardano’s roadmap: Byron (which began in 2017) and Goguen (which began in 2019). During the Byron phase, users could create wallets, store ADA tokens, and transfer funds securely across borders with low transaction fees. The Goguen phase introduced smart contract functionality as well as DeFi applications such as staking pools and decentralized exchanges.

The Shelley phase builds on these features by introducing several new capabilities such as delegation of stake pool operators, off-chain scaling solutions including sidechains, rewards incentives for stakeholders which will help strengthen ADA’s value proposition over time, improved wallet support services through third-party providers like AdaLite or Yoroi Wallet Browser Extension (both compatible with Ledger hardware wallets), advanced security protocols using cryptography algorithms like Ouroboros Genesis consensus protocol mechanism to secure transactions within blocks; it also introduces an incentive structure that encourages adoption of best practices among users who want to earn rewards from their staked coins through voting mechanisms designed into its architecture.

In order for all these changes to take effect properly requires that all participants use updated versions of software – this includes full nodes run by operators or stakeholders who are running updates for their clients/users when available so they can benefit from the latest improvements made possible by Shelley Phase implementation. Ultimately this should lead to increased decentralization throughout Cardano’s infrastructure which makes it more stable long term & resilient against potential attacks or malicious actors trying compromise its integrity & reliability while also providing better user experience overall due trustless nature of underlying technology behind cryptocurrency networks powered by distributed ledgers similar ones found within Cardano itself

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