Friday, May 3, 2024


by Hideo Nakamura

Coldcard is a hardware wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It was developed by Coinkite Inc., a Canadian financial services company founded in 2013. The Coldcard device allows users to store, send, receive, and sign digital assets securely without relying on an online service or third-party intermediary.

The device has two main components: the secure processor (SE) which stores private keys and provides cryptographic operations; and the microcontroller that manages user interaction with the SE through its OLED display screen. The Coldcard requires no additional software installation as it runs directly from the onboard firmware stored in nonvolatile memory. This ensures that no malicious code can be installed on the device while maintaining compatibility with existing wallets such as Electrum, Wasabi Wallet, Samourai Wallet etc..

The Coldcard also features several advanced security measures including PIN authentication before any transactions are authorized; BIP39/BIP44 support for multiple accounts; anti-tampering mechanisms such as tamper evident seals around all critical parts of the case; encrypted storage of backup data via SD card encryption​ ;and airgapped signing using QR codes when connecting to another computer or phone over USB connection. All these features make it one of most secure cryptocurrency wallets available today.

In addition to being highly secure, one major advantage offered by this device is convenience – users do not need access to internet or install any apps prior to use since everything is stored within cold storage environment inside they physical wallet itself . Moreover , setup process takes only few minutes making it very easy even for beginners who just started getting into crypto world .

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