Saturday, May 4, 2024


by Hideo Nakamura

Slippage is an important concept in cryptocurrency trading, and understanding it can help traders make better decisions when executing trades. Slippage occurs when the price of a security differs from the expected price due to market volatility or inadequate liquidity. It may also occur if orders are executed too quickly, leading to rapid fluctuations in prices.

When slippage happens, it means that the trader does not get their desired order filled at their intended price level; instead they receive less favorable terms than what was initially requested. This could mean receiving a significantly lower or higher rate than anticipated, depending on market conditions at the time of execution.

In some cases, slippage can be beneficial for traders as it often results in a more favorable trade for them; however this depends on market conditions and timing (i.e., whether prices moved up or down). In most cases though, slippage represents an undesirable outcome as it decreases profits earned by traders due to unfavorable pricing discrepancies during transaction execution times.

Traders should always consider how much slippage they are willing to accept before executing any trades since even small differences between expected and actual prices can lead to significant losses over time if left unchecked. To minimize potential losses caused by slippage, traders should ensure that they always use stop-loss orders and limit orders where appropriate – these will help reduce potential losses associated with sudden moves in markets while still allowing you to take advantage of potentially profitable opportunities that arise unexpectedly within markets over short periods of time. Additionally, utilizing a reputable broker/exchange platform which features strong liquidity can also provide additional protection against adverse events such as high levels of slippage occurring during transactions

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