Friday, May 3, 2024

Pay-Per-Share (PPS)

by Hideo Nakamura
Pay-Per-Share (PPS)

# Pay-Per-Share (PPS)

Pay-per-share (PPS) is a payment system used in cryptocurrency mining pools. It is one of the most popular and widely used methods for paying miners for their work on the blockchain. The main idea behind PPS is to provide an even distribution of rewards among pool participants, regardless of their individual hash rate or luck. This makes it easier for smaller miners to join the pool and increase their chances of earning a reward.

In most PPS systems, miners are paid out based on how much they contribute to solving blocks on the network. The amount earned by each miner depends on how many shares they submit during a given period, usually 24 hours or more. All payments are made directly from the pool’s wallet, so there’s no need to wait for block confirmations before getting paid out. This also removes any risk associated with orphaned blocks that don’t get included in any valid chain and therefore don’t generate rewards at all.

Compared to other payment models such as pay-per-last N shares (PPLNS), PPS offers more consistent earnings but with slightly lower payouts due to higher fees charged by pools running this model. Generally speaking, larger miners tend to prefer PPLNS over PPS because it allows them greater potential rewards; however, both models have distinct advantages depending on your specific needs as a user or miner operator.

Overall, pay per share can be seen as a reliable way of making sure you get paid regularly without needing too much technical knowledge about cryptocurrencies and mining operations in general since it eliminates some risks related with other reward systems like orphans blocks and long waiting times between rounds while still providing good returns if you choose carefully your mining operation provider

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