日曜日, 5月 5, 2024

The Build N Build (BNB) Chain is a special kind of network that could help us get closer to an internet version 3.0 (‘Web3’). This network can let people and companies build apps where transactions happen in much faster speed than a regular connection, and it’s less expensive too!

Plus, this BNB Chain also has really cool features like smart contracts which lets users make agreements or deals without having to go through lots of paperwork. Finally, developers can use this network as their platform to create new decentralized applications.

GensoKishi wants to make it easier for users by creating more projects. On April 26th (Japan Time), two GensoKishi tokens, called “MV” and “ROND”, will be put on a Japanese crypto exchange called Zaif.

You can buy the MV and ROND tokens directly from the Polygon chain on Zaif. Also, you can import these tokens directly into the game and even buy NFTs from GensoKishi Marketplace. To celebrate this listing of the Polygon chain MV/ROND on a Japanese exchange, we have created a special NFT with our partners at Polygon.

GensoKishi created the “Polygon Samurai Sword,” an awesome digital item in a Japanese sword style. They’re doing this to help promote Polygon technology in Japan. GensoKishi will also have some giveaways like Crypto Exchange Zaif and other activities as part of their commemoration of the NFT.

Zaif is an online platform that acts as a crypto exchange. It lets you buy, store and trade digital currency like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Besides that, you can use their automated services such as Otegaru Trade and Automated Ranking Trade, which makes investing in digital coins much easier. You can also find unique digital coins only available on Zaif – CAICA Coin (CICC), Fisco Coin (FSCC) and Nexcoin (NCXC). To learn more about these services, visit their website https://zaif.jp/.

GensoKishi Online is a video game that lets you team up with your friends online. It was based on another popular game called Elemental Knights Online, which got the highest award in Taiwan back in 2012 and it was played by 8 million people altogether. This game also includes some cool special effects and allows you to enter an imaginary 3D world where you can explore and battle monsters together with other players.

Genso.game is a project that wants to create a digital economy using the blockchain technology. To connect with the project and follow up on their progress, here are some links below:

– Website: https://genso.game/

– Twitter: https://twitter.com/genso_meta

– Discord: https://discord.gg/gensometa

– LINE: https://lin.ee/fRx2vvE

– Telegram English Group: https://t.me/gensometamain

– Telegram Chinese Group: https://t.me/gensometazw

– Telegram Japanese Group: https://t.me/gensometajpn

– YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMi4wGMEWgC9VVps8d_NLD

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