土曜日, 5月 4, 2024


Natwest Markets

Natwest Markets is a division of The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Group, and one of the largest financial services providers in the United Kingdom. It offers a range of products and services for both institutional and retail investors including banking, securities trading & investment advice. NatWest Markets also provides access to global capital markets through its network of offices located across Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East.

In recent years, NatWest Markets has become increasingly involved in cryptocurrency-related activities such as offering advisory services to clients wanting to invest in cryptocurrencies or other blockchain-based assets. This includes providing research reports on various digital coins/tokens as well as insights into specific sectors within the crypto space. The bank has also been actively exploring ways it can use distributed ledger technology (DLT) to modernize its existing infrastructure and operations.

Natwest Markets’ involvement with cryptocurrency has included collaborations with Ripple Labs – one of the major players in blockchain solutions – for cross-border payments using their XRP token; partnering with Blockchain Capital for venture investments; launching an online platform that allows customers to buy Bitcoin directly from RBS; and advising on cryptocurrency transactions related to Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).

Overall, Natwest Markets’ foray into cryptocurrencies reflects not just its commitment towards innovation but also underscores how Fintechs are disrupting traditional banking models around the world by leveraging DLT technologies like blockchain & smart contracts which provide greater efficiency & transparency compared to legacy systems.


Natwest Markets Latest News



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