

Nasdaq Composite


The Nasdaq Composite is a stock market index that includes all of the common stocks and similar securities listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. It was created in 1971 with a base value of 100, and it is one of the major U.S. indices along with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and S&P 500 Index. The index includes over 3,000 companies from different industries including technology, biotechnology, retail/wholesale trade, telecommunications services, financials (banks) and consumer services.

As of January 2021, Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp., Amazon Inc., Facebook Inc., Tesla Motors Inc., Google parent Alphabet Inc. are among some of the most heavily weighted components included in this index which represent more than 20% combined weighting in terms of capitalization contribution to its total value. The Nasdaq Composite also serves as benchmark for many ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds).

The NASDAQ Composite is an important indicator for investors since it reflects overall market sentiment about technology stocks as well as other industries listed on NASDAQ exchange such as biotech or telecoms sector etc.. In addition to tracking changes in prices over time it can be used to compare performance between different sectors or industry groups within the same period; thus providing valuable insight into how various sectors are performing relative to each other at any given point in time.


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