月曜日, 5月 6, 2024


Human-Readable Names

Human-readable names, also known as vanity addresses, are a type of cryptocurrency address that is more user friendly than the traditional public address. These addresses allow users to choose their own unique identifier instead of having a randomly generated one. This makes it easier for people to remember and share their crypto wallet address with others.

The most commonly used human-readable name format is based on the EIP 162 standard, which uses an “ENS” domain structure (Ethereum Name Service). This allows users to create a name like myname.eth or mywalletaddress.eth and use it in place of their regular ETH wallet address when sending funds or signing up for services that accept Ethereum payments. Other types of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin also have similar human readable name formats available through different services such as Cash Address Format (BCH) or Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP).

When creating your own custom human-readable cryptocurrency address, you should always make sure to double check the spelling before using it since any errors could lead to funds being sent incorrectly or lost forever if not addressed quickly enough. Additionally, always try to be aware of phishing attempts by only trusting sources from reliable websites and never sharing your private key information with anyone online!




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