土曜日, 5月 4, 2024



ATH (All-Time High)

ATH is a term used to describe the highest price of any given cryptocurrency at any point in time. It is generally measured from the time that it was initially traded on an exchange or first made available for purchase by investors. ATH can be used as an indicator of how well a particular coin has performed since its initial release, and is often seen as an indication of potential future growth. In some cases, coins may even reach new ATHs multiple times over their lifetime if they are experiencing sustained success.

When referring to individual cryptocurrencies, ATH typically refers only to prices achieved on major exchanges such as CoinMarketCap and Binance, although other smaller exchanges can also contribute significantly to market activity and may cause certain coins’ prices to hit higher highs than those listed elsewhere. Since different currencies have varying levels of liquidity across various platforms, it’s important for traders who want accurate information about where current all-time highs stand should consult reputable sources like CoinMarketCap for up-to-date pricing data before making decisions about investing or trading with specific tokens/coins .

Additionally, when speaking more broadly about the entire crypto industry rather than just one currency specifically ,the term “all-time high” can refer both collectively – i.e., the record value achieved by all digital assets combined -or individually—i e.. each asset hitting its own peak performance milestone regardless whether this coincides with another token setting a new record price overall .


ATH Latest News



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