星期日, 5 月 5, 2024

史蒂夫·福布斯 杰罗姆·鲍威尔

经过 中村英夫
Steve Forbes Jerome Powell

Steve Forbes and Jerome Powell are two prominent figures in the world of finance. Steve Forbes is an American media mogul, investor, author, and former presidential candidate who advocates for a return to the gold standard as a way to restore fiscal discipline in government spending. Jerome Powell is an American attorney who serves as the current Chair of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. He was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2017 and took office February 2018.

Steve Forbes has long been vocal about his support for returning to a gold standard system, which would involve pegging currencies to gold rather than allowing them to float freely on foreign exchange markets like they do today. His views have been controversial among economists because some argue that such systems can be highly volatile and lead to economic instability when governments are unable or unwilling to maintain their currency’s value relative to gold reserves.

Jerome Powell is considered one of the most influential people in global finance due largely to his role at the helm of US central bank policymaking decisions through his position at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (FRB). In this capacity he oversees key monetary policies such as setting interest rates and regulating financial institutions within America’s banking sector which can have far-reaching consequences across international markets too. While he remains committed towards preserving price stability & employment growth domestically through proven methods like quantitative easing programmes & open market operations – he also stands firm on adopting measures needed so that certain parts don’t become unduly exposed during times when external shocks occur e.g., Brexit negotiations or geopolitical tensions related issues between nations etc..


Steve Forbes Jerome Powell Latest News



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