星期六, 5 月 4, 2024


经过 中村英夫

Ken Montgomery is an American entrepreneur and investor who has become a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency industry. He is best known for founding the blockchain-based social media platform, Steemit, and his venture capital firm, Blockchange Ventures.

Montgomery first became interested in cryptocurrencies after reading about Bitcoin on internet forums in late 2012. Realizing that he had a knack for understanding the technology behind these digital assets, he began to invest heavily into them personally and professionally. In 2014, he founded Steemit as a way to reward users with tokens for participating on its platform. This was one of the earliest examples of what would later be known as “tokenization” – issuing rewards or incentives to people who used certain services or products within a decentralized network environment.

In 2016 Montgomery established Blockchange Ventures which focuses on investing in promising early stage companies working with blockchain technology and other similar technologies related to cryptocurrency asset classes such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT). Since then they have made investments into some major projects including Filecoin, Orchid Protocols Inc., Polychain Capital LLC., among others.

Today Ken Montgomery remains very active within the crypto space through both his VC firm and also by advising various startups looking to leverage distributed ledger technology solutions like Ethereum smart contracts or Hyperledger Fabric applications amongst others. With so many years of experience under his belt there’s no doubt that Ken will continue being an influential figure in this ever growing sector for many years to come!


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