星期一, 5 月 6, 2024


经过 中村英夫

Incomplete Transactions
When dealing with cryptocurrencies, it is possible for a transaction to be incomplete. There are several reasons why this might happen.

1) Insufficient Funds – If the sender does not have sufficient funds on their wallet to cover the entire cost of the transaction, then the network will reject it as incomplete. This can also be caused by an incorrect address or multiple transactions sent from one address at once.

2) Unconfirmed Transaction – A transaction may remain unconfirmed if there is insufficient miner activity in order to process and validate it on the blockchain network. When this happens, no new coins are created and no fees are taken out of your wallet balance until such time that miners confirm your transaction and add it to a block in the blockchain ledger.
3) Network Congestion – Cryptocurrency networks can become congested when too many users attempt to send transactions at once, resulting in some of them being delayed or dropped altogether due to lack of resources available on the network at that time. In this case, you may need wait longer than usual before your transaction gets confirmed by miners and added onto a block in order for it to be completed successfully.

4) Outdated Software – If you’re using outdated software (e.g., wallets), then there’s a good chance that its version isn’t compatible with current nodes running on cryptocurrency networks which could lead to errors when attempting to initiate a transfer or other operations related


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