星期一, 5 月 6, 2024


经过 中村英夫
Hyperledger (Hyperledger Foundation)


The Hyperledger Foundation is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration, hosted by The Linux Foundation, including leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things, supply chains, manufacturing and Technology. Founded in December 2015 as the “Open Ledger Project”, it was changed to its current name in early 2016.

The mission of the Hyperleder foundation is to create a robust and industry-wide distributed ledger framework and code base that supports business transactions across industries. This will enable organizations to build applications for their specific needs with greater security and privacy than ever before possible using traditional methods. As part of this mission they provide support for various projects related to blockchain technology such as Fabric and Iroha which are built on top of the Hyperleder platform.

Fabric is an enterprise grade permissioned distributed ledger technology (DLT) system which offers modularity and versatility for different kinds of users ranging from financial services companies to healthcare institutions or other regulated environments where data privacy rules must be respected while transacting over a shared ledger amongst multiple parties involved. Fabric provides high performance through parallel transaction execution capabilities allowing multiple participants access simultaneously with optimized latency when compared with other DLTs systems available in the market today like Ethereum or Bitcoin’s blockchain networks among others.

Iroha on the other hand provides many features like secure multi-party computation protocols making it ideal for consortiums or private networks where only preselected authorized peers can have access to transact over shared ledgers within these environments securely without any potential threat coming from outside malicious actors trying to breach into them . It also allows members within these consortia sharing resources without worrying about double spending problems since all participants sign off each transaction creating digital signatures making it virtually impossible for one user member attacking another’s account without being noticed immediately by all network nodes participating in that particular consensus protocol agreement established between them beforehand .

In conclusion ,the HyperLedger project has revolutionized how we look at Blockchain technology thanks to its innovative approach towards solving real world issues around trustworthiness , scalability , interoperability & security not found elsewhere before enabling organizations large & small alike get better insights faster while staying ahead competitively speaking against rivals who haven’t adopted similar solutions yet keeping up with latest trends out there nowadays when comes down doing Business online 24/7 due globalization effects worldwide taking place right now around us everywhere every day!




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