星期二, 5 月 7, 2024


经过 中村英夫
financial contagion

Financial contagion refers to the phenomenon of financial distress spreading from one market or institution to another. It is a form of systemic risk, whereby a problem in one part of the system can spread through interconnections and cause problems elsewhere. In other words, it involves the transmission of stress across markets and institutions due to linkages between them.

The fear that an economic shock in one region could lead to economic losses around the world has been heightened by globalization – with countries increasingly linked together both through trade and international capital flows. This means that when something goes wrong somewhere else, it can have repercussions for everyone else involved as well – leading to what are known as “contagious” effects.

Cryptocurrencies further complicate this dynamic because they are decentralized digital assets which lack any kind of central authority or regulatory oversight, meaning that their value depends on users’ confidence rather than external factors like government regulation or inflationary policies. As such, cryptocurrency prices can be especially vulnerable if there is a widespread loss of faith among investors stemming from events occurring outside its ecosystem (e.g., macroeconomic shocks). For example: If stock markets experience significant declines due to fears about Brexit negotiations breaking down then this may have an effect on investor’s attitudes towards cryptocurrencies too; resulting in reduced demand for these assets thereby affecting their price movements downwards as well – thus illustrating how financial contagion affects crypto-markets too!

Such risks cannot always be predicted but understanding how different types/classes asset classes interact with each other helps traders make more informed decisions regarding their investments portfolios; particularly during times where global uncertainty reigns supreme!


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