星期一, 5 月 6, 2024

Crypto.com USDC

经过 中村英夫
Crypto.com USDC

Crypto.com USDC

Crypto.com USDC is a stablecoin, developed by Crypto.com in partnership with Circle Internet Financial and the CENTRE Consortium, that seeks to bridge traditional financial markets with cryptocurrencies through an easy-to-trade digital asset secured by U.S Dollars (USD). The idea behind this coin was to create a cryptocurrency which can be used for everyday transactions but still maintains its value over time due to being backed 1:1 against the USD – hence the name “US Dollar Coin” or USDC for short. This means that one unit of Crypto.com USDC will always remain equal in value to one USD dollar regardless of market conditions or external factors such as inflation or depreciation of other currencies .

The main advantages offered by using Crypto.com’s version of stablecoins include lower transaction costs than transferring fiat currency from bank accounts across borders; quick settlement times compared to traditional methods; and full transparency on all transactions made via blockchain technology – allowing users greater control when sending funds around the world without relying on third party intermediaries like banks and brokers who often charge hidden fees associated with transfers abroad..

Additionally, since it is based upon Ethereum blockchain protocol , there are various decentralized applications available where you can use this kind token as payment method including online shops & services , gambling platforms etc…


Crypto.com USDC Latest News



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