Воскресенье, Май 5, 2024

Ян Ньювенхейс

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Jan Nieuwenhuijs

Jan Nieuwenhuijs is a Dutch economist and entrepreneur whose work focuses on the economics of cryptocurrencies. He is an advocate for sound money principles and has written extensively about the potential of digital currencies, particularly gold-backed digital tokens, to promote financial stability and economic growth.

Nieuwenhuijs first became interested in cryptocurrency during his studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam where he earned his doctorate degree in financial economics. His dissertation focused on how gold-backed digital tokens could be used as a form of currency that was both stable and secure, which laid the foundation for his later writings on the subject.

In 2015, Nieuwenhuijs founded Tokenomy Ventures, an accelerator dedicated to supporting projects related to blockchain technology and distributed ledger systems. Through Tokenomy Ventures he has helped launch several successful startups including DigixDAO (a peer-to-peer asset trading platform) and Everledger (a blockchain tracking system for diamonds).

Nieuwenhuijs also serves as a board member at The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), an organization dedicated to promoting free markets through education programs around the world. Additionally, he is involved with numerous other initiatives related to cryptocurrency such as Satoshi Roundtable (an annual gathering of Bitcoin developers) and Coinscrum (a regular meetup series in London).

In 2020 Nieuwenhuijs coauthored “The Bullish Case For Bitcoin” – one of the most comprehensive reports ever published about how Bitcoin can help create more economic freedom by providing individuals with access to uncensored global payments networks outside traditional banking systems.

Jan Nieuwenhuijs continues to be actively involved in advocating sound money principles while pushing forward innovation within the industry through investments into promising projects like Coinrule or Libracraft Blockchain Solutions among others.

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