Понедельник, Май 6, 2024

Самый большой пузырь Гарри Дента

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Harry Dent biggest bubble

Harry Dent is an American financial analyst and author who predicted the so-called “biggest bubble” of our time. He is best known for predicting that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) would hit 36,000 in 2001 and then crash to 7,400 by 2010.

From his first book “The Roaring 2000s”, Dent argued that the markets were headed for a significant growth period due to technological advances such as the internet, personal computers, mobile phones and other gadgets. In addition, he argued that Baby Boomers had large amounts of money to invest in stocks and mutual funds which would fuel this growth period. However, many of these predictions did not come true and instead we saw major market crashes in 2008/2009 during what became known as The Great Recession.

Despite his incorrect prediction about how high the DJIA could go before crashing back down again – it never reached 36k – Harry Dent has continued to be an active commentator on economic trends with particular focus on demographic shifts impacting investments decisions. This includes his ‘Demographic Cliff’ theory which suggests there will be a dramatic decline in consumer spending when Baby Boomers enter retirement age en masse from 2030 onwards resulting in a significant stock market crash similar to what was seen after World War II when soldiers returned home creating an oversupply of goods that resulted in prices dropping significantly across all sectors including housing .

In recent years Harry Dent has focused much more heavily on cryptocurrency investing giving advice both through traditional mediums such as books like Crypto Revolution: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & The Future Of Money but also online via podcasts or Youtube videos where he gives analysis into current trends happening within cryptocurrency markets.. While some investors have welcomed his ideas others have been highly critical accusing him of being too bullish or attempting to use fear tactics when discussing potential bubbles forming within crypto assets specifically citing examples such as ICO’s or altcoins created without any real utility value behind them. As always with any investment decision it is recommended you do your own research before deciding whether cryptocurrencies are right for you and seek professional advice if needed

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