Суббота, Май 4, 2024

Сирил Рамафоса

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cyril ramaphosa

Cyril Ramaphosa is a South African politician and the current President of South Africa. He took office in 2018 following his election by members of the National Assembly, becoming the fifth democratically elected president since the end of apartheid in 1994. As president, Ramaphosa has taken steps to promote economic growth and reduce inequality while tackling corruption within government ranks.

In recent times, Cyril Ramaphosa’s approach towards cryptocurrency has been one that is open-minded yet cautious. In 2019 he announced plans for further research into blockchain technology with an eye on potential applications for use across various industries as well as possible coordination between different departments and bodies at both national and international levels. The move was seen as significant because it signalled a shift from past administrations which had adopted more restrictive policies when it came to digital currencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum – something that could potentially have negative implications for investors looking to get involved with cryptocurrencies operating out of South Africa .

Ramaphosa also expressed interest in supporting “innovations” related to digital assets but called for caution regarding their proliferation due mainly to concerns about money laundering activities being conducted via these instruments – something already observed elsewhere around world despite ongoing efforts by many countries’ governments trying hard tackle this problem head on. Nevertheless, given its vast mineral wealth (among other things) along strategic geographic positioning within continent , there are still plenty reasons suggest why country should be optimistic over eventual success any attempt create viable crypto regulations framework future generations can benefit from .

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