Domingo, Maio 5, 2024


por Hideo Nakamura

Retargeting is a marketing technique used by digital currency platforms that involves tracking user behavior in order to display targeted advertisements. By following the activity of an individual, retargeting allows greater customization and more personalized ads, increasing their effectiveness and efficiency.

Retargeting works by placing a small piece of code (often called a “pixel”) on the website or platform where users interact with digital currencies. This code tracks user activity over time and identifies them as they move around online. The information collected is then used to display relevant ads based on what the individual has been viewing or searching for in the past. For example, if someone had recently searched for Bitcoin wallets, they may be shown advertisements featuring different types of Bitcoin wallets from various companies when visiting other sites across the web.

Retargeting can also be used to re-engage customers who have already interacted with your site but not completed certain actions such as making a purchase or signing up for an account before leaving it. By displaying tailored reminders or special offers related to what these individuals were looking at previously, you can encourage them to come back and complete their tasks or take advantage of promotions you are offering at that moment in time.

Overall, retargeting provides businesses with valuable customer insights while allowing them to reach out directly with tailored messages and incentives that increase engagement rates among potential buyers – ultimately leading to increased sales conversions down the line.

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