Sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2024

API descentralizada (dAPI)

por Hideo Nakamura

What is Decentralized API (dAPI)?

Decentralized APIs, also known as dAPIs, are a type of Application Programming Interface (API) that enables developers to interact with blockchain-based applications in a secure and decentralized manner. Unlike traditional APIs which rely on centralized servers for data storage and retrieval, dAPIs store all data within the blockchain, making them highly resilient against malicious attacks or censorship. Additionally, since there is no single point of failure for these systems, they can provide improved scalability and faster response times than their centralized counterparts. Furthermore, by leveraging smart contract technology such as Ethereum’s ERC20 tokens or Hyperledger Fabric’s chaincode functions, dAPIs can be easily integrated into existing infrastructure without requiring major changes to existing codebases.

In summary: A decentralized application programming interface (dAPI) provides secure access to distributed ledger technology (DLT). It enables developers to interact with DLTs in a truly distributed way through storing data on the blockchain instead of relying on central servers and providing improved scalability and faster response time compared to traditional APIs.

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