domingo, mayo 5, 2024

Fundación Web3

por Hideo Nakamura
Web3 Foundation

The Web3 Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organization that helps to develop the web 3.0 ecosystem by promoting and funding projects in blockchain, distributed computing and other related technologies. Founded in 2017, the foundation was created with the mission of creating an open, decentralized internet infrastructure for all people.

It operates on four core principles: Decentralization, Openness & Transparency, Inclusivity & Equality and Integrity & Security. The foundation has launched several initiatives such as Polkadot network to help build next generation blockchains; Substrate which is a framework for building custom blockchains; and Parity Ethereum which is an implementation of Ethereum protocol written in Rust programming language.

Additionally it has funded numerous research grants for development teams working on innovative blockchain solutions as well as sponsored hackathons around the world aimed at fostering collaboration within the industry. It also organizes events such as EDCON (Ethereum Developer Conference) to bring together developers from across different communities and share knowledge about blockchain technology trends and breakthroughs.

In conclusion, Web3 Foundation’s goal is to create an environment where anyone can innovate securely through collaborative work with its support systems designed to nurture emerging projects towards success while contributing to a more secure digital future for everyone involved with cryptocurrencies or new technologies associated with them.

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