sábado, mayo 4, 2024

Hiperinflación de Robert Kiyosaki

por Hideo Nakamura
Robert Kiyosaki hyperinflation

Robert Kiyosaki Hyperinflation

Robert Kiyosaki is an entrepreneur, investor, author, and motivational speaker best known for his book Rich Dad Poor Dad. He is also a strong proponent of investing in cryptocurrencies as a hedge against potential hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is when prices rise rapidly due to the rapid increase in the money supply or too much currency chasing too few goods and services. This can quickly erode people’s purchasing power and lead to economic instability.

Kiyosaki believes that Bitcoin will be able to protect against future periods of hyperinflation by ensuring that people’s wealth remains intact regardless of what happens with fiat currencies like the US dollar or Euro. He has stated that “Bitcoin is an asset class designed to survive inflationary times” and he sees it as a form of digital gold which has been used throughout history as a store-of-value during times of economic uncertainty. Furthermore, he views Bitcoin as being superior to gold because it offers greater liquidity than physical gold since it can be easily transferred between different wallets without needing any third party intermediary such as banks or payment processors.

In addition to this view on bitcoins ability to protect from hyperinflation, Kiyosaki also sees cryptocurrency tokens such as Ethereum (ETH) or Ripple (XRP) playing an important role when it comes time for governments around the world begin issuing their own national digital currencies in response to ongoing monetary crises caused by increasing levels of debt accumulation across countries worldwide.. He believes these new government backed coins will bring about unprecedented levels of automation while simultaneously enabling global financial inclusion through access points like mobile phones making them attractive investments for those looking for safe havens during uncertain economic conditions caused by rampant inflationary pressures within nations economies. In summary Robert Kiyosaki looks at cryptocurrencies both Bitcoin and other altcoins not only from a speculative standpoint but also from one rooted in protecting oneself from potential future episodes of high inflation rates seen all over the world today .

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