viernes, mayo 3, 2024

Mover (lenguaje de programación)

por Hideo Nakamura
Move (Programming Language)

Mover (lenguaje de programación)

Move is a programming language developed by the blockchain software company, Dfinity. It is designed to enable secure and verifiable digital interactions on public and permissioned networks such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Hyperledger Fabric, EOSIO and others. Move enables developers to build distributed applications (dApps) that are easier to audit for correctness than traditional smart contracts written in Solidity or Vyper.

History of Move Programming Language
In 2018, Dfinity announced its intention to create a “Universal Blockchain Computer” capable of running Web 3.0 applications at scale with high performance and resiliency while being cost-efficient. To achieve this goal they began developing an innovative programming language called Move which was specifically designed for decentralized computing networks like the Internet Computer Network they were building themselves.

Features of Move Programming Language
The primary design goals behind the development of Move are expressive power with succinctness; security through provable correctness; execution performance via efficient code generation; scalability through parallelism; composability across various blockchain systems; extensibility via library support and custom extensions; interoperability between blockchains using standard protocols like JSON-RPC; porting from existing languages like JavaScript, Python etc.; optimization through advanced type inference techniques etc..

Adoption & Development Support
Dfinity provides development tools and resources such as SDKs that make it easy for developers to start creating dApps using the language quickly. The community also actively supports open source projects that provide additional libraries and tooling around Move including generic data structures & algorithms along with specialized implementations for solving particular problems in decentralized contexts efficiently without sacrificing security or correctness guarantees provided by the language itself . Additionally there are several independent organizations providing training materials on how to use the language effectively along with consulting services helping teams get their projects off ground faster .

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