الإثنين, مايو 6, 2024

التنين التضخمي

بواسطة هيديو ناكامورا
inflationary dragon

Inflationary Dragon is a type of cryptocurrency created to help combat inflation. It was developed by the team at CryptoGeeks and launched in 2019. The goal of Inflationary Dragon is to provide users with a secure, deflationary form of digital currency that can be used for everyday transactions.

Inflationary Dragon works differently than other cryptocurrencies because it uses an innovative approach to dealing with the problem of inflation. Instead of using traditional methods such as increasing or decreasing the money supply, Inflationary Dragon utilizes a system called “inflation tax.” This tax works by taking a small percentage (about 1%) from each transaction and then burning those tokens (removing them from circulation). This helps decrease the amount of coins available on the market and keeps prices stable over time.

The main benefit of using Inflationary Dragon is its ability to protect against hyperinflation as well as providing users with more control over their funds due to its deflationary nature. Additionally, since there are fewer tokens in circulation, it reduces volatility when compared to other cryptocurrencies which makes it attractive for long-term investments.

Overall, Inflationary Dragon offers investors an opportunity to hedge against inflation while also allowing them access to cryptocurrency markets without having to worry about market volatility or devaluation due to increases in money supply—something not possible before this new technology was introduced.

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