Thursday, April 18, 2024

by Hideo Nakamura is an open source software publisher that specializes in blockchain technology and distributed ledger systems. It was founded by CEO Brendan Blumer, CTO Dan Larimer and Chairman Brock Pierce in 2017 with the aim of creating a new generation of high performance decentralized applications (DApps). has developed EOSIO, an operating system-like platform for developers to build DApps on top of that can scale horizontally as needed while providing secure access control and user friendly interfaces. The company also offers consulting services related to designing, deploying, managing and optimizing large-scale enterprise blockchain implementations worldwide.

The primary purpose behind’s development efforts is to create a ‘decentralized internet’ – one where users are able to interact with digital assets completely autonomously without the need for trusted third parties or intermediaries such as banks or governments who traditionally provide trustworthiness but often come at great cost from both economic efficiency standpoint as well as personal privacy perspective due lack of transparency when it comes down their operations . This vision will be realized through making sure every process within any given application built upon EOSIO is secured using cryptographic keys which serve to verify identity before allowing access into certain sections or data sets inside the application itself thus ensuring only those authorized have legitimate access rights granted based upon predefined rules stored securely on each node running within its network infrastructure regardless whether they are publically hosted cloud servers , private networks operated by corporations etcetera .

In addition , blockchains powered by EOSIO protocol offer a range other advantages over traditional centralized databases including higher throughput capabilities along quicker finality times since blocks get added much faster than compared against proof-of-work consensus algorithms used today like Bitcoin so transactions become available almost immediately after broadcasted across entire network instead waiting up hour long confirmations usually required otherwise . Furthermore this enables businesses adopt real time payments solutions quickly rather than having wait extended periods during processing cycles involved banking systems hence improving overall customer experience significantly meanwhile reducing costs associated them too since there no intermediary fees charged middleman service providers either side transaction taking place between buyer seller respectively .

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