Jumat, April 19, 2024

Andy Schectman

oleh Hideo Nakamura
Andy Schectman

Andy Schectman is a renowned entrepreneur, investor and cryptocurrency expert. He has been involved in the digital asset space since 2014 when he founded Coinabul, one of the first over-the-counter (OTC) bitcoin trading platforms. Since then he has gone on to launch several other successful businesses related to blockchain technology and digital currencies including Bitwise Asset Management, DigitalMint and Monex Group Inc.

In 2018 Andy was named as one of Forbes “Top 10 Crypto Influencers” for his work in helping grow awareness about cryptocurrencies around the world. His expertise includes investing strategies, risk management techniques and technological insights into emerging technologies such as blockchain networks. In addition to providing consulting services for firms across multiple industries looking to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their operations schema, Andy regularly speaks at conferences worldwide on topics ranging from security tokens & stablecoins/stable assets through distributed ledger systems & consensus algorithms; venture capital fundraising & tokenomics models; financial market structures utilizing cryptoassets; money laundering prevention protocols via KYC/AML procedures; enterprise solutions leveraging decentralized applications (DApps); etcetera…

Throughout his career Andy has provided professional advice towards some of the biggest companies within this sector – Blockstream Corp., Coinbase Exchange Ltd., Fidelity Investments LLC., Gemini Trust Co.. Additionally he’s collaborated with numerous government organizations regarding regulation policies pertaining to both traditional fiat currency methods along with differing virtual monetary approaches as well.

Today many consider him an authority figure within this niche vertical due largely by virtue of how informed his discourse often appears relative what’s transpiring elsewhere inside markets today – especially during such volatile times we find ourselves existing inside presently where everything seems uncertainly unpredictable yet somehow simultaneously strangely familiar all at once too…

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